The series "Inside Out" delves into profound themes of change, resilience, and personal growth in the face of adversity. The work draws inspiration from the challenges my son faced in the context of ending his promising soccer career due to injuries. The exploration of dismantling and reassembling a soccer ball serves as a metaphor for the transformative process. The idea of letting go while maintaining integrity amid changes, along with exploring new opportunities, speaks to the complexity of navigating life's challenges.
Tessellation #5, #6, and #7, 2023
Deconstructed soccer balls, yarn, new hand-sewn seams, acrylic and oil paint 
Cedar Street Gallery, Berkeley
February 4th - March 2nd, 2024
Tessellation #5; dysected soccer ball, thread, new seams, acrylic and oil paint, 2023
Tessellation #5; dysected soccer ball, thread, new seams, acrylic and oil paint, 2023
Tessellation #5, detail, 2023
Tessellation #5, detail, 2023
Tessellation #6: dysected soccer ball; thread, new seams added, acrylic and oil paint
Tessellation #6: dysected soccer ball; thread, new seams added, acrylic and oil paint
Tessellation #6, detail
Tessellation #6, detail
Tessellation #7, dysected soccer ball, thread, new seams added, acrylic paint
Tessellation #7, dysected soccer ball, thread, new seams added, acrylic paint
Tessellation #7, detail, 2023
Tessellation #7, detail, 2023

Tessellation #1
28" x 14" x 3", 2023
Dissected soccer ball, acrylic and oil paint.

Tessellation #3
28" x 14" x 3", 2023
Dissected soccer ball and acrylic paint.

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